Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Thanks Critical Soldier!

Just a plain thanks to my friend Critical Soldier for gifting me the game Sanctum!
This game sure is interesting, not played a lot yet but it's quite good so far! :)

Monday, October 17, 2011

Featured on the Team Fortress blog!

I think this is the highest point of my Youtube Gmod movie making "career".The TF2 Team featured my Heavys Revelation on the TF2 Blog in the News Section and it was also picked to be featured on the News Section for TF2 on Steam!

Heavy's Revelation featured on
Also a reference to that post were on the Steam News section for TF2

You should have seen the joy when i found this out and i never ever thought the TF2 Team would notice someone like me and pick something i created to be on the community news section.
I don't know if I've ever seen a Gmod video on there and that kinda killed my hope before.

I also must thank everyone else who sent my video around! Don't think i don't trackback all the views i get, it's always fun to sneak around and end up in a bunch of forums and websites to read your feedback :)

But mostly I don't know how to thank the TF2 Team enough for the feature other then by saying... 

A big thanks to Valve and the whole TF2 Team for creating the game of my life!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Heavy's Revelation - New Video

Finally a new video :)
Much work have been put into this one and it turned out this epic, cliche TF2 movie!
